Large Animal Veterinarians Association Tamil nadu
Trusted and High-ranking Association.
Enriching knowledge through a continuous education program
LAVATN is primarily proactive and promptly
Representing more than 500 veterinarians and 29 districts of Tamil Nadu.
Members from Malaysia and Saudhi
The Large Animal Veterinarians Association (LAVATN) largest family of veterinarians for large animal practice in Tamil Nadu, as well as the common voice for them all. Our LAVATN foundation members convened the first meeting of LAVATN with the aim of enriching the large animal veterinarians’ knowledge through a continuous education program. This initiative grew into the Large Animal Veterinarians Association Tamil Nadu (LAVATN) today. The LAVATN unites and represents the state veterinary profession. It is the umbrella organization for veterinarians working in different areas of veterinary medicine.
The LAVATN will continue the ambition of LAVATN foundation members to bring veterinarians from all over the country together, to share experiences, to exchange ideas, and to join forces for the promotion and development of veterinary medicine. The LAVATN defends the interest of the health and welfare of animals and people as well as the interest of its member organizations and their members.
Our LAVATN foundation members convened the first meeting of LAVATN
LAVATN provides science-based statements and guidelines.
Understanding there are almost unlimited issues of importance, and taking into.
Technical Committee
7th Continuous Education Program on: Application of State of Art Clinical Approaches In Buiatric Practice: Reshapes Large Animal Health Care
This seminar about Seminar on cow breeding
Our vision to support veterinarians to enrich their technical knowledge through continous education program, hands on training and field innovatives.